Sunday, April 8, 2007

Draft Unofficial (Currently updated and Revised)

Global Warming is becoming an urgent issue in our times, more than ever. We are obligated to face this issue together as it is all life matter at stake.

As a group of concerned entrepreneurs and NGO’s that has been working on the environment, poverty alleviation and recently preoccupied with the relief and reconstruction effort of the recent natural disasters rampantly afflicting Indonesia as well as also becoming a serious global thread. Without all of our participation , we see that all the development efforts will be just a loosing battle .

With low sense of urgency, and so limited resources and yet time is critical , the strategy that seems can be affective is to embark a "business marketing approach" to make the effort for having a significant impact[1].

[1] “Traditional environmentalism is dead. An ideology that say profit, growth and healthy eco system can go together has replaced it”: Eric Garland , Future . Inc.

How does this work?

The strategy is to lead a soft campaign, thru a "shared fair business strategy" , mixing business and actual participation to help reduce global warming. It is a means to link awareness disemination, real action , bringing people together for the same cause and goals: Curbing Global Warming.

It is this approach that we are inviting for your participation to make it work.

“Green Stations“ attempt to engage with the Global Warming concern, especially now becoming a critical issue to earth’s and civilization’s survival. It is a "Station" of information, networking, a “ green based products outlet / shop/ market” that sell common everyday home , office, telecommunication , transportation, sport, and outdoor gadgets relating to the environment , energy, and nature. In the process of selling to pass the words of Global Warning to act before it is too late.

It is managed as a combination of a “shared fair business” of resource linkages , a Franchise or Multi Level Marketing approach , the sharing of "marketing resource" as a fair trade activity.

These "marketing activities" are envisaged to be most effective strategy to induce the "trend setting" for a different live style of energy usage.

The effort capture several objectives: Making money as a business, actively reducing waste of energy and reduction of Carbon Dioxide.

The activity has an awareness / educational mission , a call for all , as ”Earth Citizens” to act together , as much as we can, in the attempt to reverse the downward global warming cycle .

Some items that is useful : Drastically reducing the use of fossil fuel energy.

Fuel Freedom

One of the most active and fastest growing activity is the business of selling GASOLINE MILLEAGE BOOSTER and so CARBON DiOXIDE REDUCTION TABLETS.

A certified American product sold now globally. Arranged on a Multi Level Marketing approach :
The objective: 1) Saving cost of our car/ transportation expenses, also making money if we help sell, ...... and helping Earth . American EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) certificated. To participate contact : //